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Septic Tank Installation – An Economic Approach to Recycle Wastewater

Septic Tank Installation

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Septic tanks undeniably are an essential part of every establishment as they come into play when you flush a toilet, do your laundry, or even turn on a tap. Water along with the waste they carry needs to travel out of the building properly. A septic system makes this process seamless. 

Septic tanks are the underground chamber where sewage flows for basic treatment. They are considered as one of the most effective and economic ways of recycling wastewater. Besides, they are convenient and require low maintenance. Here’s almost everything you need to know about septic tanks

How Septic System Works

Typical septic systems consist of a septic tank, soil absorption field, and drain field. The tank digests the separate floatable and organic matters along with the solids from the sewer water. Soil-based systems, on the other hand, discharge the liquid from the tank into the perforated pipes buried in the chambers or leach fields. These units are designed to release the effluent gradually into the soil. 

Environmental Benefit

Septic tanks use the natural filtering process of the soil to treat wastewater. Besides, they also depend on technology to function properly. First, wastewater gets filtered by the tank system before entering the drain or leach field. The soil filters out bacteria from sewer water that makes the water safe to reuse. This is how septic tank installation can help you to contribute to recycling wastewater.

Septic Tank Installation


Many people install new pipes to eliminate wastewater through the public sewage system. However, it is a costlier option compared to using a septic tank, especially if your property size is bigger than an acre. Septic tanks are also known for their longevity. In most cases, they last between 20 to 40 years. Of course, routine maintenance like pumping and proper care is essential to maintain functionality, but these are neither expensive nor difficult to conduct. 

On-Site Water Treatment

As you already know, septic tanks have their own filtration systems. Therefore, you don’t have to rely on the city sewer systems if you install a septic tank on your property. Septic tanks do not contaminate water supplies. In fact, they remove bacteria before the water is released into the soil. The nearby plant life absorbs the recycled water. 

We hope that the working mechanism of septic tanks and their benefits are now clear to you. You can count on RR Waste & Septic, Inc. for septic tank installation. We are a highly recommended septic tank construction and installation company serving clients since 1981. Every member of our team is well trained and experienced. Along with installation, we also provide septic tank repair, pump out, and other maintenance services. Contact us now to get a septic tank installation quote today!!

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